Seller Policy

Effective Date: 2021

Thank you for choosing as your preferred platform for selling your products. This policy outlines the terms and conditions that govern your relationship with as a seller. By registering and selling on, you agree to comply with the following policies:

1. Product Listings and Descriptions:

  • Ensure that all product listings are accurate, complete, and adhere to's guidelines.
  • Provide clear and concise product descriptions, including relevant details such as specifications, dimensions, and any other pertinent information.

2. Order Fulfillment:

  • Commit to shipping orders promptly and within the timeframe specified on the platform.
  • Provide accurate tracking information for all orders to ensure transparency for both and customers.

3. Returns and Refunds:

  • Adhere to's return and refund policy.
  • Process returns and refunds promptly upon approval and in accordance with's guidelines.

4. Pricing and Discounts:

  • Set fair and competitive prices for your products.
  • Clearly communicate any discounts or promotions, ensuring consistency with's guidelines.

5. Payment Methods:

  • Accept various payment methods, including but not limited to:
    • Cash on Delivery (COD)
    • Bank Transfers
    • Card Payments

6. Cash on Delivery (COD) Policy:

  • COD orders are subject to's COD terms and conditions.
  • Sellers are responsible for providing accurate information to facilitate successful COD transactions.

7. Bank and Card Payment Policy:

  • Sellers must provide accurate bank account details for transaction settlements.
  • Ensure the security of card payment information and comply with's payment security standards.

8. Customer Communication:

  • Respond promptly to customer inquiries and provide excellent customer service.
  • Communicate any delays, issues, or changes in order status to customers promptly.

9. Compliance with Laws and Regulations:

  • Abide by all applicable laws and regulations related to e-commerce and the sale of products.
  • Ensure that your products comply with safety standards and regulations.

10. Termination of Partnership:

  • reserves the right to terminate the seller's partnership if there is a breach of any policies or if the seller engages in any fraudulent or unethical practices.

11. Amendments to Policies:

  • reserves the right to update or modify these policies at any time. Sellers will be notified of any changes, and continued use of the platform implies acceptance of the updated policies.

By continuing to sell on, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to comply with these policies. Failure to adhere to these policies may result in consequences, including the suspension or termination of your seller account.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these policies, please contact Seller Support.

Thank you for being a valued seller on
[email protected]

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